Click Here For Other Exclive Products Nutritionist, Health & Fitness Writer, Exercise Specialist, Expert On Food Supplements and Diet Tips, Don Lemmon

Nutritionist Don Lemmon's
Official Website since 1997

Nutritionist, Health & Fitness Writer, Exercise Specialist, Expert On Food Supplements and Diet Tips, Don Lemmon
Nutritionist, Health & Fitness Writer, Exercise Specialist, Expert On Food Supplements and Diet Tips, Don Lemmon
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Nutritionist, Health & Fitness Writer, Exercise Specialist, Expert On Food Supplements and Diet Tips, Don Lemmon
Nutritionist, Health & Fitness Writer, Exercise Specialist, Expert On Food Supplements and Diet Tips, Don Lemmon
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Nutritionist, Health & Fitness Writer, Exercise Specialist, Expert On Food Supplements and Diet Tips, Don Lemmon
Nutritionist, Health & Fitness Writer, Exercise Specialist, Expert On Food Supplements and Diet Tips, Don Lemmon
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Nutritionist, Health & Fitness Writer, Exercise Specialist, Expert On Food Supplements and Diet Tips, Don Lemmon
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Nutritionist, Health & Fitness Writer, Exercise Specialist, Expert On Food Supplements and Diet Tips, Don Lemmon


Nutritionist, Health & Fitness Writer, Exercise Specialist, Expert On Food Supplements and Diet Tips, Don Lemmon

Nutritionist Don Lemmon's Audio Collection
Audio Books & Other Recordings
Learn All About The Program By Listening To It


: Books On Audio Tape :
Don Lemmon, Hollywood Nutritionist, Best Selling Author, articles on diet, exercise routines,  info on food supplements, health food stores, fitness centers, gyms, essential fatty acids, vitamins, herbs, protein powder, colloidal minerals, glandulars and home gyms... All in all, it's Exercise and Nutrition: The TRUTH with Don Lemmon, health and fitness writer, paperback novel author, radio show host, television personality and magazine publisher...

: Don Lemmon Recordings :

Nutritionist, Health & Fitness Writer, Exercise Specialist, Expert On Food Supplements and Diet Tips, Don Lemmon


"Listen while driving, taking a walk, standing in line at the grocery store, or while just relaxing at home. The NEW Know How Audio CDs are convenient to listen to anytime! Anywhere!" ~ Don Lemmon, discussing his KNOW HOW cds...

"Reinforce your Know How as you conveniently listen again and again to Don's teachings! The smooth listening of this great NEW Know How Audio set will motivate you and keep you on the path to health and happiness!" ~ ALAN BLAIR, narrator for Don Lemmon's KNOW HOW


Don Lemmon had been publishing books and marketing nutritional supplements for years and is known not to stand for his customers and readers to remain out of shape.

The initial 5 times every 2 week weight lifting program is simple. If you've spent any time in the gym, you will be locked into the new routines in no time. But Lemmon also includes high-intensity tips to compound the training effect for more advanced clients.

The same goes for the cardiovascular exercise he performs: just 12 minutes a session, five times every two week. But those 12 minutes are spent trying to accomplish more in less time and he does not allow for you to wimp out.

Eating is another category all by itself. Don Lemmon does not tell you it is alright to eat junk food once a week so you like him. Lemmon wants results and you will reach your goals. You have read about it all before, now you can HEAR about it and finally, truly grasp all the nutritional, exercise and motivational tips Don Lemmon has been writing about since 1992.

Don Lemmon is many things to the people who listen to this audiotape: personal trainer, motivational guru, nutrition consultant, lifestyle and success coach. As you listen to professional voice artist Alan Blair read Don's best selling internet book "The KNOW HOW," he inspires, excites, instructs, and sometimes gives listeners something they aren't expecting… An end to making excuses.

The goal is for the listener to transform his or her body and in the process learn that changing your outsides also changes the insides. This audio book is something the fans have been asking for since 1996.

Just mention the name Don Lemmon to any of the people he's helped and you will see their respect in their eyes. You will hear it in their words. These people include thousands of men and women who sought out for help and found straight forward advice they could live with. Don Lemmon's customers range from young to old, male and female, and come from every profession you can imagine.

Be warned that the nutritional advice is nothing like anything else you will recognize. For example, he puts "carbohydrates," "proteins" and "fats" into 12 separate categories (Food Groups Lemmon says), but does not recommend the expected three daily doses of meal replacement powders which have grown so popular.

Yes, Lemmon has his own powder, but it is a special blend of 3 different proteins, no fillers, no starches, no cake batter ingredients... More on that on the CD... Despite his defiance to fad products like fat burners, this program is still motivating because so many others we see in the magazines and on television have achieved astounding results using it. We aren't talking about paid endorsements like other diets offer.

Let's face it, if Jennifer Aniston was really making progress on the Zone Diet, or Atkins after they decided to pay her more, then why did Barry Sears, supposed father of the Zone, still have a gut and double chin the last he was seen? And why did Brad and Jen allow their chef, Chef J, to prepare their catering the KNOW HOW way? Because it makes sense!

Stars seemingly have no problems with their physiques so comparing yourself to them almost isn't playing fair. Real people are plagued by obesity (like Will Sasso of MAD TV who has Don's book), alcoholism (like a number of Hollywood celebrities we do not care to mention), and life-threatening ailments.

Those who accepted a personal challenge from Don Lemmon and, using his products, have at least regained control of their bodies and their lives. No, not all conditions are reversible but regaining 80 to 90% of what you once had is something to be proud of!

When you begin to apply the information on this CD, you will be proving to yourself that changes that you never dreamed are within your grasp too. Not only that, you will discover Don Lemmon's program is much more than physical fitness, it's a path to rewarding, greener pastures and a fulfillment.

Within 1 week you will have kicked habits that you couldn't live without...

Within 30 days you will be devoted to your body once and for all.

Again, this CD makes everything easier than ever before. It's down-to-earth, basic, spoken to you step by step, and you are guided by the hand discovering:

* How to lose body fat by eating more and exercising less...
* How to experience an endless supply of vigor and energy...
* How to enjoy things that are most meaningful in your lives...
* How to see dramatic results without even thinking about them...
* How to make continual progress without caring to cheat...
* How to look like the people you envy with little to give up...

The principles of the Don Lemmon program are surprisingly simple and yet they work. Allow yourself to take your mental, physical and spiritual self to a higher point. What you will really like about this CD is that the nutrition aspect is built around the idea of feeding your body, not restricting it or how many calories you burn.

What others have misled you over, Don respects you enough to explain where you have fallen short. Unlike hundreds of self acclaimed internet gurus who jump on bandwagons, Don Lemmon does not advocate a low carb diet. In fact, he says you can see results by just removing all low carb products from your shelves. It's basically knowing serving sizes, eating often, drinking lots of water and no junk food. But one of the things you get is HONESTY and a more POSITIVE approach.

Don doesn't pretend to be Anthony Robbins or Bill Phillips and baby you so you like him. He doesn't allow you to keep putting something in your body that doesn't belong. One downside to the Body For Life program is the big push to use Myoplex products which is a protein shake mix made by the company Bill Phillips is associated with.

This is key to note because the longer you keep spending $10.00 a day on his products, the more money he makes. The more he tells you to be patient and results will come, the more product you end up buying while you wait... The more you cheat... The longer you are dependent... Do you see why they let you cheat now? Do you think the people who make the most results in the shortest time cheat? NO WAY!

Don Lemmon is clearly exceptional at what he does, and he can motivate and teach others. Combine that with a great book, great products, personal contact (you can email him anytime, does anyone else in the National spotlight allow such a thing... NO...) and now, a CD which makes this one heck of a combo.

Alan Blair reads the writings of Don Lemmon so smoothly it is like a warm knife slicing through soft butter... And it covers everything concisely, including exercise, why other programs aren't doing the trick, eating, the TRUTH about supplements and much more.

The author has an uplifting writing style that can really make you think, his books are an easy read, but the reading... Alan Blair... He puts icing on the cake!

So now, for the first time ever… You can keep motivated by listening to Don Lemmon's work whenever you need to… And by ordering through us… You can have the KNOW HOW on 4 Audio Cd's for just $29.95.... AND SHIPPING IS FREE IN THE USA!

PLEASE TAKE NOTE: This product ships from Houston the same day we receive payment. Remember, this is a LIMITED TIME OFFER... In less than one month we will be raising the price... Why pay more money when you can have it now for much less?



: Don Lemmon's Best Selling Fitness Books :

Book One
Book TwoBook ThreeBook Four Book Five

Nutritionist, Health & Fitness Writer, Exercise Specialist, Expert On Food Supplements and Diet Tips, Don Lemmon

: Don Lemmon's Exclusive Supplement Line :

Balanced Multi-Nutrient - Perfect EFA Oil Blend - Gandular Complex
Ultimate Herbal Formula - Complete Protein Powder - Bonus Products

Excerpts of DON LEMMON on Nationally Syndicated Radio...

Nutritionist Don Lemmon, Hollywood Nutritionist, Best Selling Author, articles on diet, exercise routines,  info on food supplements, health food stores, fitness centers, gyms, essential fatty acids, vitamins, herbs, protein powder, colloidal minerals, glandulars and home gyms... All in all, it's Exercise and Nutrition: The TRUTH with Don Lemmon, health and fitness writer, paperback novel author, radio show host, television personality and magazine publisher..."I am not a doctor, nor do I claim to be. I started off pursuing a future in medicine but all the overweight patients our clinic worked with struck a nerve... I changed paths... Trust me, learning the optimal workout, training with proper technique, both definitely help, and I am willing to share the truth about all the exercise tricks you crave, but keep something else in mind... If exercise was the definitive answer to looking your best, there wouldn't be so many people slaving away in the gym for months at a time and getting no where... People, you simply must get your eating under control, discover the secrets to nutrition and master them before starting a new workout plan... If you would just realize what you have read in magazines or seen on television is nothing more than carefully constructed propaganda... Propaganda meant to keep you from making progress so that you keep coming back for 'more info' every month or returning to buy the latest magic pill or powder, which in case you haven't noticed, does not work either..."

"Give this a try for 7 straight days you'll see RESULTS!"

Nutritionist Don Lemmon, Hollywood Nutritionist, Best Selling Author, articles on diet, exercise routines,  info on food supplements, health food stores, fitness centers, gyms, essential fatty acids, vitamins, herbs, protein powder, colloidal minerals, glandulars and home gyms... All in all, it's Exercise and Nutrition: The TRUTH with Don Lemmon, health and fitness writer, paperback novel author, radio show host, television personality and magazine publisher...Here is the deal. I want you to begin keeping notes of your workouts and diet, then send them to me every day via email for the next month. If you do this and my program doesn't work for you, I will gladly refund your money. No sweat. But begin today by writing down your current weight, waist measure, what you ate over the past 24 hours, what you did at your last workout including the pounds lifted and reps performed and then fill in all the blanks by making a list of your overall goals. When done, take a look at it. Next, set a date you want to achieve these goals and note what changes you would like to see. You know what is missing? A good plan to get you from Point A to Point B. Let's do this for just 30 straight days, together, and you'll see RESULTS! Orders are shipped and processed by TJ Clark in St George, Utah the same day and our supplements are billed for recurring each month so that you never run out. If you decide to cancel refills, simply email us and you will no longer receive automatic shipments. It is that simple. Eat right, exercise, 'take your vitamins,' and let me guide you. However, please do keep in mind, we do not accept returns of packages that are damaged, used, out dated, already opened or tampered with... That's fair enough in today's crazy world, right? So come on, give our fool proof program a try.

Stay On Top Of The Health, Fitness, Exercise, and Nutrition Industry

Nutritionist, Health & Fitness Writer, Exercise Specialist, Expert On Food Supplements and Diet Tips, Don Lemmon



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Nutritionist, Health & Fitness Writer, Exercise Specialist, Expert On Food Supplements and Diet Tips, Don Lemmon
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Nutritionist, Health & Fitness Writer, Exercise Specialist, Expert On Food Supplements and Diet Tips, Don Lemmon
Nutritionist, Health & Fitness Writer, Exercise Specialist, Expert On Food Supplements and Diet Tips, Don Lemmon